Ash Wednesday starts a time of prayer and fasting, commonly known as Lent. The history of Lent is deeply rooted in Jesus’ journey, and its observation is biblical.

Traditionally, Christians observe Lent by cutting out items from their diet. Of course, individuals may give up their favorite things, like watching TV, social media, and going out to supper, but why not try giving up yourself?

Here at St. Timothy’s ACC in Charleston, we suggest that for the next 40 days, you use your spare time to read through the Gospels and amplify your daily Bible study.

1 John 4:18
King James Version
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Our prayer is that you get to know Jesus on a much deeper level when you read through the Gospels and answer your questions as you read the Scriptures.

Begin your journey today and learn more about Jesus Christ’s origins, explained in Matthew 1.

Begin preparations for Easter starting with Ash Wednesday. What will you give up for the next 40 days for lent?