Couple of Updates:

  1. The Men’s Group will have its first gathering at 6:30pm (Wednesday) Feb. 12th.  We will meet in the library.  Pizza dinner will be available.  Please let me know who can come.  We will plan on 90 minutes, informal.  The informal gathering, “What Men Think” will utilize scriptural teaching but will focus more on what we as men are facing in our lives, careers, families, marriages, work, etc. Please let other men know and if you plan on coming, bring a friend or family member.

  1. Sarah Nelson has agreed to help reorganize the St. Hilda’s Guild, our ministry that involves the women of our parish.  She would like to have a “tea” at the parish hall to talk about gatherings, work of the Guild and future Bible study.  If you are interested, please contact her at (843)442-6162 and let her know when teatime might best be scheduled so you can attend.

  1. We are in the process of planning our first men’s breakfast for 2025.  We will zero in on a date and a speaker(s).

  1. Our Facing Christian Dying meeting is being planned.  Most likely after Mass on a Wednesday.  If you are interested, let me know ( respond to this email or call me 207-615-7989).

  1. Our next Bible Study will be the Book of Romans after we finish St. Luke around Easter.

  1. Lastly, our attendance over the last three years has grown with God bringing people to our doors and the faithful witness of all of you. 


God has truly blessed us, and I am looking forward to another wonderful year in evangelical witness and touching the lives of those who need to know the love of Christ outside of our doors.

Please don’t forget the annual meeting, SUNDAY JANUARY 26th, after Mass.  Please bring a Potluck Dish.



In Him+

Fr. Jeff Monroe