Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We invite you to join us as we remember the week before and the day our Lord and Savior was taken to the Cross for His world’s redemption. Holy Week and Tenebrae are ancient remembrances of Christ’s passion, which we will undertake more compellingly. Tenebrae on Good Friday, also called the “Service of the Shadows,” is the week’s culmination and includes readings from Holy Scripture followed by meditations that challenge our perception of the events that happened on Good Friday.

This moving experience completes the remembrance of Holy Week, Good Friday, and Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross. On Good Friday, it is preceded by Tre Ores (3 hours) with the Noon Mass of the Pre-sanctified, reading of the entire passion, Stations of the Cross, observations of the crucifixion, and meditations on the seven last words of Christ while on the Cross. Ending at 3 PM, the one-hour segments (you may attend any or all) allow us to come and be with Christ in prayer at this most sacred time in recognition of His sacrifice for us.

While Easter is a day of grand celebration, as we view the empty Cross and recognize the power of our Lord over death, we cannot truly understand the meaning of the empty Cross without understanding Christ on the Cross.

Our Holy Week Schedule begins with Palm Sunday on April 13 @ 10:00 AM, ending Easter, April 20, with Daily Mass at Noon:

  1. Palm Sunday, April 13
    • Mass/Palms, 10 AM;
    • Outside Way of the Cross 7 PM
  1. Mass and Stations of the Cross – Wednesday, April 16, @ Noon
  2. Maundy Thursday, April 17, @ Noon and 7 PM; a.k.a. Holy Thursday
    • followed by Stripping of the Altar and Meditations in the Chapel of the Innocents until 9 PM.
  1. Good Friday, April 18, Tres Ores
    • Noon Mass of the Pre-Sanctified,
    • 1 PM – Stations of the Cross and Reflections,
    • 2 PM Seven Last Words of Christ Meditations;
    • Tenebrae – Service of the Shadows 7 PM
  1. Holy Saturday, April 19,
    • 10 AM to Noon – Preparation for Easter, decorate the Church
    • 7 PM – Lighting of the New Fire, the Prophecies
  1. Easter Morning, April 20, The Mass of the Resurrection, 10 AM

LOCATION: St. Timothy’s Traditional Anglican Parish at 1900 Old Parsonage Road in Charleston (off Ashley River Road-Route 61). For information: 843-766-8873