St. Timothy’s ACC welcomes you! We are dedicated Catholic Christians, worshiping in the Anglican Traditions and subscribing to the “Faith once delivered to the Saints.”

Anglican Missal

A revised Missalette from the Anglican Missal and 1928 Book of Common Prayer is now in the pews with white covers. Regular and large print formats.

Annual Meeting

Takes place in January every year where we also conduct the Parish Self-Assesment. The exact date is to be set in December.

Bible Study

Begins after Mass during coffee hour.

Memorial or Honor Dedications

If you wish to give flowers or dedicate communion, please let our Father know.

Our Daily Bread

a daily scriptural based devotional, is available in the Narthex. Take one and take an extra one for someone needing spiritual uplifting. God’s peace comes with the daily study of his word, prayer, and sacrament.


Please let Father Jeff or Father Pete know if you or someone you know is ill, going to the hospital, if you need to speak with them, need pastoral care, or would like them to visit. Fr. Monroe: Cell: (207)615-7989

Parish Directory

If you are new, we would like your contact information. Only used for the clergy and vestry and never shared in public.

Prayer Requests

If you would like to have prayers for any reason, please fill out the prayer request list in the Narthex or by visiting the online Prayer Center at Ushers bring it up at the offering, and the prayers will be included in the Mass.

The Rev. Mr. Daniel Farley, Deacon in Purple Robe

Talk with a member of the Clergy today!

Phone & Email

(843) 763.8873


Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 12:00

Morning prayer in Chapel Monday  – Friday @ 10am

Each Wednesday – Noon Mass

Healing Mass – Second Wednesday of every Month.

Each Sunday – Mass at 10AM. Refreshments after Mass.