Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, Solemn High mass

December 24th-Midnight Mass (Begins at 11:30PM)

Proclamation of Christmas Vicar
Processional Hymn Hymn Board
Collect for Purity *Missalette Pg. 2
Introit Bulletin
Summary of the Law Pg. 3
Kyrie Eleison (Chanted) Pg. 4
Gloria in Excelsis (Spoken) Pg. 4
Collect(s) Bulletin
Old Testament Lesson Bulletin
Epistle Bulletin
Gradual (Chanted) Priest
Holy Gospel Bulletin
Nicene Creed Pg. 6
Sermon Fr. Monroe
Offertory Sentence Bulletin
Doxology “Old 100th” (Sung) Bulletin
Prayer for the Whole State of Christ’s Church No. 139
General Confession and Absolution Prayer Pg. 6
Sanctus & Benedictus Pg. 8
Consecration Prayer Pg. 9
The Lord’s Prayer (Spoken) Pg. 9
The Fraction Pg. 10
Agnus Dei (Chanted) Pg. 10
Prayer of Humble Access Pg. 11
The Communion of the Faithful Pg. 11
Communion Hymn Silent Night
Prayer of Thanksgiving Pg. 12
Post Communion Collect(s) Pg. 13
The Dismissal and the Blessing
The Last Gospel
Closing Hymn Hymn Board



Merry Christmas

Wishing You, Family, and Friends a Blessed Christmas,

from all of us at St. Timothy’s ACC

A sermon for Advent 3

ADVENT 3 "Should We Look for Another?"  Fr. Jeff Monroe Text: St. Matthew 11:2 "Now when John had heard in the prison...