Holy Week Schedule 2025

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We invite you to join us as we remember the week before and the day our Lord and Savior was taken to the Cross for His world’s redemption. Holy Week and Tenebrae are ancient remembrances of Christ’s passion, which we...

Maundy Thursday Readings

MAUNDY THURSDAY THE ORDER OF THE MASS IS IN THE MISSALETTE And Book of Common Prayer, Beginning on Page 67   The Collect. ALMIGHTY Father, whose dear Son, on the night before he suffered, did institute the Sacrament of his Body and Blood; Mercifully grant that we may...

Lenten Season

Discover the Journey of Lent: A Time of Reflection and Renewal Join us as we delve into the profound significance of the Lenten Season within the Anglican tradition, exploring its rich history and spiritual practices. Explore Lent A Season of Spiritual Growth Embrace...

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

The first day of Holy Week is Palm Sunday, commemorating Jesus’ humble entry (on a donkey) into Jerusalem to observe Passover. The Gospel accounts: he was greeted by crowds who spread their cloaks and laid palm leaves in his path and proclaimed him the Son of David...