1 Ye who own the faith of Jesus
sing the wonders that were done,
when the love of God the Father
o’er our sin the vict’ry won,
when he made the Virgin Mary
mother of his only Son.
Hail Mary, hail Mary,
hail Mary, full of grace.

2 Blessèd were the chosen people
out of whom the Lord did come,
blessèd was the land of promise
fashioned for his earthly home;
but more blessèd was the mother.
she who bare him in her womb.

3 Wherefore let all faithful people
tell the honour of her name,
let the Church in her foreshadowed
part in her thanksgiving claim;
what Christ’s Mother sang in gladness
let Christ’s people sing the same.

4 Let us weave our supplications,
she with us and we with her,
for advancement of the faithful,
for each faithful worshipper,
for the doubting, for the sinful,
for each heedless wanderer.

5 May the mother’s intercessions
on our homes a blessing win,
that the children all be prospered,
strong and fair and pure within,
following our Lord’s own footsteps,
firm in faith and free from sin.

6 For the sick and for the agèd,
for our dear ones far away,
for the hearts that mourn in secret,
all who need our prayers today,
for the faithful gone before us,
may the holy Virgin pray.

7 Praise, O Mary, praise the Father,
praise the Saviour and thy Son,
praise the everlasting Spirit,
who hath made thee ark and throne;
o’er all creatures high exalted,
lowly praise the Three in One.

Title: Ye who own the faith of Jesus
Author: Vincent Stuckey Stratton Coles, 1845-1929