Good afternoon everyone,

As you are all aware, the tropical storm, eventually Hurricane Debby, will be visiting us on Tuesday and later in the week.    Predictions are 10 inches of rain, 3-4 per day, over four days. In speaking with Fr. Peter, office hours this week and Wednesday Mass will most likely be canceled so everyone can stay home safely.

THIS WEEK’S Depending on the weather, we will let everyone know. Most likely, nothing this week. Please try to stormproof your property and have your storm kits handy (bottled water, snacks, battery-operated radio, and flashlight with extra batteries). If authorities tell you to evacuate, having been through several of these in operations centers, trust what they are telling you and leave. People who get stuck in their homes don’t realize that 1st responders must endanger their lives to rescue folks. Fr. Peter will confirm if Mass is canceled on Wednesday in this email. Please stay safe.



Fr. Jeff+

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